Psagot Winery announced the completion of its new home and the hiring of Sam Soroka, its new chief winemaker.

The 2020 vintage begins at its new location with an expected production in excess of 600,000 bottles and marks Psagot’s 17th year of wine production in the Binyamin region just north of Jerusalem. The story of the winery and the traditional winemaking combines the historical connection, fine quality, and modern progress expressed in the new architectural structure, carefully planned and designed by Naama Berg, the wife of Psagot’s CEO Yaakov Berg, after two years of construction.

Concurrent with the move to the new facility, the winery recruited Sam Soroka to the position of chief winemaker at the winery. Soroka, a native of Montreal, Quebec in Canada, studied enology at the University of Adelaide in Australia and received his B.Sc. degree in food sciences from McGill University in Quebec, Canada. He was previously a winemaker at Jerusalem and Carmel Wineries. When asked about the move to Psagot, Sam replied, “It is a great privilege and honor for me to be the chief winemaker of Psagot Winery and be a partner in the winery’s vision for making quality wines in the Land of Israel.” 

Yaakov Berg, CEO & founder of Psagot Winery, summarizes: “The prophet Amos, who was a shepherd and farmer in the land of Israel 2,500 years ago prophesied and promised us <<I will return the captivity of My people Israel, and they will rebuild desolate cities and settle them; they will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will cultivate gardens and eat their fruits. I will plant them upon their land, and they will never again be uprooted from their land that I have given them, said Hashem, your G-d>> (Amos 9:14-15). Yaakov concludes, “We thank the Creator of the world for the privilege of fulfilling this prophecy 2,500 years later. Living in the land of Israel, planting vineyards and producing fine wine and winning awards that are recognized throughout the world”.