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Royal Wine Corp


Following the steady growth of Tequila on the spirits market, Royal Wine recently launched Zarza, a new brand of high-quality Tequila made in Mexico and made from 100% agave. According to Shlomo Blashka, Royal Wine’s National Spirits Brands Manager, Zarza is committed to the finest techniques and agave, striving to make the best Tequila possible. “We only accept agave with a minimum of 23 Brix sugar content Brix because the riper the agave is, the better quality the Tequila will become. To achieve the unique taste we are striving for, we distill the fermented “wort” (agave juice) twice. The second distillation finishes the Tequila and gives the Zarza it’s unique and delicious flavors,” Blashka explained. Zarza was first released to the New York and New Jersey markets. Additional states will follow.


Two new sales representatives have recently joined the Royal Wine’s sales force under the leadership of managers Kobi Zaken and Joselyn Mendez.

David Miranda and Billy Keys come with a solid background in the wine industry, having both graduated with a Level 3 certification from the Wine & Spirits Education Trust (WSET), the internationally recognized program based out of London, UK.

“Both Billy and David crushed whatever doubts one would have about hiring someone with experience and within the industry. The passion, and the self-motivation that they both demonstrate in learning for the WSET level 3 on their own shows commitment,” commented Kobi Zaken, Royal’s head of sales for New York and New Jersey. “I feel that as a manager, having sales representatives who push the envelope is crucial to an organization and is inspiring,” Zaken added. The majority of Royal Wine’s NY/NJ sales representatives hold a WSET Level 2 certification.